Monday, September 28, 2009

Cultural Diversity

I went over to some good friends of mine for dinner the other night and everyone decided on hotdogs. Although American, I have to admit that I'm not a big hotdog fan, but who cares I was over there to spend time with friends. Now if you would like the recipe for Brazilian hotdogs, take out a pen a paper and jot down these ingredients. Purchase small weiners and boil them in a red sauce with chopped bellpeppers. Now gather the following delicacies to put on your dog...shoestring potatoes, corn, and capers.

Cultural obervations: It seems perfectly acceptable for women to spit in public while men enjoy the freedom of launching snot rockets.

Ministry: I believe we are on the cusp of making large strides in Morro Azul. Several people have approached me wanting to participate and asking what they can do. I have been given some freedom to be more creative in terms of reaching people that are not interested in attending church services. We will be working on replicating a minstry in the local church that has various outreach components that include art, music, tutoring, and physical education for the kids. Another woman approached me Sunday night desiring to work with people struggling with addiction. I know this is not going to happen overnight, but we are moving in the right direction. Right now I am putting together a flier for English classes that I will be distributing throughout the favela while giving me a reason to knock on some doors and get to know more people. There are also 15 families that the church provides food for on a monthly basis, so I will be visiting with them because I believe only a few actually participate in the church.

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